Uienhandel.com has been renewed
Perhaps you have already traded onions at Uienhandel.com. Since 2024, we have renewed Uienhandel.com. We do not take an own position, making us neutral towards both buyer and seller. We now drive around with a team of six mediators throughout the Netherlands to inspect batches, provide service, and give advice. Our back office has also been expanded. Check out our team here.
Do you have a batch of onions to offer, or are you specifically looking for a certain variety? Contact our trading desk and we will mediate quickly: 0320 - 269 524 or send an email to info@uienhandel.com.
Buy onion seeds
What has remained is our platform where you can still buy and sell your batches of onions. Additionally, we continue to alert you via Whatsapp about interesting batches and still provide a reliable opinion on the market and expectations based on solid information. What has also remained is the ability to purchase various types of onion seeds from us.
Fair price
Since Uienhandel.com does not hold its own position, you always receive or pay a fair price. You can register your batch of onions with our mediators or indicate that you are specifically looking for onions. The mediators will then search for the best batch for your needs. Of course, you can also still place your request or offer on our trading platform. We guarantee the sale of every quality of onions at market-conforming prices. Our mission: to find the right grower and buyer for every batch of onions.
The 6 Guarantees of Uienhandel.com
- Uienhandel.com does not have its own position and is therefore always neutral
- You always receive or pay the best price
- Personal approach with mediators and backoffice
- Nationwide coverage
- The latest news via Whatsapp
- Also for high-quality onion seeds